Welcome To Our Vocational Studies Council
Location Corporate office - Tower 4, 6th Floor, Jaypee Aman Sector - 151, Greater Noida – 203130

Chairman Message

Dear Students,
I am very glad to inform you about a mind blowing experience during 2010 to till day.

कल्पयति येन वृत्तिं येन च लोके प्रशस्यते सद्भिः।
स गुणस्तेन च गुणिना रक्ष्यः संवर्धनीयश्च॥

"The skill that sustains livelihood and which is praised by all should be fostered and protected for your own development."

I envision our Institute as part of a vital strategy to invest in emerging vocational fields that may defy today's traditional academic classification. Tomorrow's challenges demand innovative and unconventional approaches that cross or dissolve the boundaries of classic disciplines. Faculty in DLSVTC work on modern-day problems that lie at the intersection of Industrial course with modern course so candidate can got jobs and increase his/her knowledge.

I do believe that education give us pride and as well defined future. i think that everyone can change their dignity with continuous adding in their abilities. Unemployment is a phase where a person discover their strength and he figure out from where he can shape his dreams and I want assist them to start their career in effective manner. So that together their growth the India will restructure in a effective manner. I want that every youth whether it is from rural or urban contribute in construct self-dependent nation with their talent and capabilities.

I invite you to take some time to visit our website and learn more about the latest vocational course, training and achievements, expertise and events. Even better, I encourage you to visit our nearest center in person, to meet our students and faculty and be inspired by the new industry based job oriented vocational courses you will find here.

Wish you all the very best...!!

- MR.VIKAS KUMAR PANDEY (Deputy Director & Exam Controller)