Welcome To Our Vocational Studies Council
Location Corporate office - Tower 4, 6th Floor, Jaypee Aman Sector - 151, Greater Noida – 203130

Computer Science Course

1. ITDM (Information Technology Development Mission)1 Month
2. NDLM (National Digital Literacy Mission)1 Month
3. DCA+ (Diploma In Computer Application Plus)12 Months
4. ADCA (Advance Diploma in Computer Application)12 Months
5. ADCHNE (AD in Computer Hardware & Network Engineering)12 Months
6. ADCP ( Advance Diploma In Computer Programming )12 Months
7. DOAP+ (Diploma in Office Accounts and Publishing Professional )12 Months
8. ADWD ( Advance Diploma In Web Designing)12 Months
9. DCAGD ( Diploma In Computer Application & Graphic Design )12 Months
10. DCAMS (Diploma Computer Application & Multimedia Specialist)12 Months
11. DITA ( Diploma In Information Technology & Application )12 Months
12. DITA+ (Diploma In Information Technology Application)12 Months
13. DMA ( Diploma In Multimedia & Animation )12 Months
14. KIDS Smart Computer12 Months
15. MDDTP (Master Diploma In Desktop Publishing)12 Months
16. PGDCA (Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application)12 Months
17. PGDIT ( Post Graduate Diploma In Information Technology )12 Months
18. DCLE ( Diploma In Chip Level Engineering )12 Months
19. ADCOM (Ad Diploma In Computer Office Management)18 Months
20. MDCT ( Master Diploma In Computer Teaching )24 Months
21. CCA (Certificate In Computer Accounting) Duration3 Months
22. DCIT (DLSVTS Certificate In Information Technology)3 Months
23. ADTS ( Advance Diploma In Typing Skills )6 Months
24. CBCA (Certificate In Basic Computer Application)6 Months
25. DAC (Diploma In Auto Cad)6 Months
26. DCA (Diploma In Computer Application)6 Months
27. DCHE ( Diploma in Computer Hardware Engineering )6 Months
28. DDEO ( Diploma in Data Entry Operator )6 Months
29. DDTP (Diploma in Desktop Publishing)6 Months
30. DSE (Diploma in Software Engineering)6 Months
31. DCAE (Diploma in Computer Accounting Expert)9 Months
32. DCMS ( Diploma In Computer Mulitimedia Specialist )9 Months
33. ADCS ( Advance Diploma In Ciber Security )12 Month
34. Diploma In Hardware And Networking12 Month
35. Diploma in Desktop Publishing12 Month
36. Certificate in Information Technology12 Month
37. Diploma in Cyber Expert & Security12 Month
38. Certificate Course in Computer Fundamentals3 Month
39. Course in Computer Concepts3 Month
40. Certificate in Computer Typing Hindi3 Month
41. Certificate in Computer Typing English3 Month
42. DBPO ( Diploma In Business Process Outstanding )6 Month
43. Diploma In Office Automation6 Month
44. Diploma in Computer Hardware6 Month
45. Certificate in Computer Application6 Month
46. Diploma in Web Designing6 Month
47. Diploma In Information Technology6 Month
48. TAlly Financial Accounting Program6 Month
49. Diploma in Computer Application & Accouting6 Month
50. Certificate in Computer Typing Hindi & English6 Month