Welcome To Our Vocational Studies Council
Location Corporate office - Tower 4, 6th Floor, Jaypee Aman Sector - 151, Greater Noida – 203130

DLSVTC Progressive Courses

1. R.P English 75 HOURS
2. Learning and Earning with R.P 75 HOURS
3. Skill of Speaking 75 HOURS
4. Speaking with Fun 75 HOURS
5. Installation maintenance and repair of Electrical and Electronic Products.(For first, second, third or forth Semester) 75 HOURS
6. Heritage Conservation (VOHC) 75 HOURS
7. Circular Economy & Resource Management 75 HOURS
8. Ecotourism & Hospitality (VOEH) 75 HOURS
9. Library Science(VOLS) 75 HOURS
10. Diary Technology (VODT) 75 HOURS
11. Yoga Science (VOYS) 75 HOURS
12. Community Science(VOCS) 75 HOURS
13. Multimedia and Animation (VOMA) 75 HOURS
14. Agribusiness Management(VOABM) 75 HOURS
15. Computer Office Management(VOCOM) 75 HOURS
16. Analytical Instrument (VOAI) 75 HOURS
17. Agri Food Processing(VOAFP) 75 HOURS
18. Public Health Engineering (VOPHE) 75 HOURS
19. Green House Technology (VOGHT) 75 HOURS
20. Plant Nursery Management(VOPNM) 75 HOURS
21. Organic farming & Products (VOOFP) 75 HOURS
22. Nutrition & Health Care Science(VONHCS) 75 HOURS
23. Export & Import Management 75 HOURS
24. Public Relation Officer 75 HOURS
25. Technology Advancement Bootcmp 75 HOURS
26. Financial Accounting & Tally 75 HOURS
27. Electronics Technician 75 HOURS
28. Skills on Chemical Waste Management 75 HOURS
29. Skills for Recovery and Reuse of Metals From Industrial Waste 75 HOURS
30. Recovery and Reuse of Metals From Industrial Waste 75 HOURS
31. Recovery and Reuse of Metals From Industrial Waste 75 HOURS
32. Business English Communication 75 HOURS
33. Office Automation With Internet 75 HOURS
34. Self Employed Tailor 75 HOURS
35. Yoga Instructor 75 HOURS
36. Domestic Data Entry Operator 75 HOURS
37. Village and Cottage Industries Skill and Entrepreneurship Development 75 HOURS
38. Yogic Science (PDS WFT 101) 75 HOURS
39. Wellness Fitness Training (PDS WFT 201) 75 HOURS